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BERT Pretraining

This guide walks through BERT pretraining based on NVIDIA's configuration. This configuration uses large batch training with LAMB to achieve 64K phase 1 and 32K phase 2 batch sizes.


This guide assumes you have installed the llm packages and its dependencies as described in the Installation Guide. You also need the BERT pretraining dataset from NVIDIA's examples.

We will use the configuration is provided in configs/ We start by copying the example configuration into our training directory. Note all of the commands are from the root of the llm-pytorch directory.

mkdir -p runs/bert-large-pretraining/
cp configs/ runs/bert-large-pretraining/
You can inspect runs/bert-large-pretraining/ to see if you want to adjust any options, though the default paths will work.

Running the Trainer

There are a number of ways you may launch the trainer:

  • Single-GPU for Debugging:
    python -m llm.trainers.bert --config path/to/ --debug
  • Multi-GPU Single-Node:
    torchrun --nnodes=1 --nproc_per_node=auto --standalone \
        -m llm.trainers.bert --config path/to/
  • Multi-Node Multi-GPU:
    torchrun --nnodes $NNODES --nproc_per_node=auto --max_restarts 0 \
        --rdzv_backend=c10d --rdzv_endpoint=$PRIMARY_RANK \
        -m llm.trainers.bert --config path/to/

Typically, you will want to use the last option inside of the script you submit to your batch scheduling system. This is an example submission script for a PBS scheduler.

#PBS -q __QUEUE__
#PBS -m abe
#PBS -l select=16:system=polaris
#PBS -l walltime=6:00:00
#PBS -l filesystems=home:grand
#PBS -j oe

# Figure out training environment based on PBS_NODEFILE existence
if [[ -z "${PBS_NODEFILE}" ]]; then
    RANKS=$(tr '\n' ' ' < $PBS_NODEFILE)
    NNODES=$(< $PBS_NODEFILE wc -l)


# Commands to run prior to the Python script for setting up the environment
module load cray-python
module load cudatoolkit-standalone/11.7.1
source /path/to/virtualenv

# torchrun launch configuration
LAUNCHER="torchrun "
LAUNCHER+="--nnodes=$NNODES --nproc_per_node=auto --max_restarts 0 "
if [[ "$NNODES" -eq 1 ]]; then
    LAUNCHER+="--standalone "
    LAUNCHER+="--rdzv_backend=c10d --rdzv_endpoint=$PRIMARY_RANK"

# Training script and parameters
CMD="$LAUNCHER -m llm.trainers.bert --config $CONFIG"
echo "Training Command: $CMD"

mpiexec --hostfile $PBS_NODEFILE -np $NNODES --env OMP_NUM_THREADS=8 --cpu-bind none $CMD

Training Phase 1 and 2

Train the model for phase 1. After the end of phase 1, you'll see a checkpoint named runs/bert-large-pretraining/checkpoints/phase-1/

To transition to phase 2, set PHASE = 2 in the config file. Then create a new directory for phase 2 checkpoints at runs/bert-large-pretraining/checkpoints/phase-2. Copy the last checkpoint from phase 1 to the phase 2 directory with the name Continue training to complete phase 2/

Converting the Pretrained Model


SQUAD Evaluation