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Polaris Installation

  1. Load Polaris modules.
    module load cray-python/
    module load cudatoolkit-standalone/11.7.1
  2. Clone and create your virtual environment.
    git clone
    # git clone
    cd llm-pytorch
  3. Create your virtual environment.
    python -m venv venv
    . venv/bin/activate
    Note: anytime you want to use the virtual environment you will need to load the above module and activate the virtual environment. It may be helpful to add these to your ~/.bashrc or PBS job scripts.
  4. Install PyTorch.
    pip install torch==1.13.1
  5. Install the llm package.
    pip install -e .  # Use the [dev] extras install for developing
  6. Install ColossalAI. This can be done directly from pip (pip install colossalai) which will JIT compile the CUDA extensions, or you can install with CUDA extensions pre-build. This must be done from a compute node. E.g., qsub -A [ALLOCATION] -l select=1:system=polaris -l walltime=1:00:00 -I -q debug -l filesystems=home:grand.
    # Activate your modules and virtual environment
    module load cray-python/ cudatoolkit-standalone/11.7.1
    . /path/to/venv/bin/activate
    module load gcc
    CUDA_EXT=1 pip install colossalai
  7. Done!